Monday, February 9, 2009

Goat Milk Drugs

I ran across this article on a new pharmaceutical that is derived from genetically engineered goats. I am particularly interested in the fact that these goats are breeded solely for the purpose using their milk for pharmaceutical use. To quote a line from the article, "if more drug is needed, the herd can be expanded." To read more, you can click here.

If you have an opinion, I'm interested in hearing it.

1 comment:

  1. Hm. Not sure what I think of that... Is it better or worse than all the genetically modified plants and animals sold as food? At least they are carefully monitoring the "pharm" animals... But what about eating fruits/vegetables grown with a suicide gene that makes their seeds unable to produce more of the same plant? There's some weird stuff going on down on the farm these days.
