Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Finished: The Collected Tales of Nurse Matilda

Ugh. I actually did not want to finish reading the collected tales. These are the stories that the movie Nanny McPhee (starring Emma Thompson) was based on. Never saw it. Not sure I ever will.

If you desire repetition and nastiness, then this book is for you! The premise is this: There are very bad kids doing things not even possible for bad kids to do. There is an ugly nurse that comes to take care of them. She alters their behavior my means of a large black stick which she bangs on the floor. This stick-striking causes the children to remain in their state of mis-behavior for a very long time, until they are sick of that particular behavior and desire to be rid of it. Thus they learn never to do it again. But there is always an again. As the children's behavior gets better, so do Matilda's looks. When she is beautiful, she goes away. Until she comes back again in the next tale, ugly as ever.

Boring. Boring. Boring. Not well written. And in case you can't tell, I really didn't like this book.

On a positive note, the author has a pretty name.
Nanny McPhee: The Collected Tales of Nurse Matilda, Christianna Brand

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