Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Free Sunday Brunch

When I peeked in my breakfast drive-thru Chick-fil-a bag, I saw a card that read, "Free Sunday Brunch". My first thought:

Oh no. Chick-fil-a has gone the way of the world.

Then I saw that it was a pamphlet from a local church. My next thought:

If we had all the money and people that they did, we could do that, too.

My third thought:

Oh no. I've gone the way of the world.

As I flipped through the pamphlet, which detailed the fall events at the church, my conscience rebuked me again and again. Yes, it was a shiny, attractive listing of all of the "free" things that the church offered. I wavered between indignation and humility. Humility won, praise the Lord.

Together, we are the body of Christ. Large or small, God is at work in us and through us.

God has called us to be where we are, serving one another, loving one another, serving Him and loving Him.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, which church? Maybe I can pick up breakfast on the way to church ;)

    Kidding. Thanks for sharing your mind's inner workings!
