Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Diagnosing Squirrels

So, squirrels.

I am wondering if these creatures have adrenaline.

When they run out in front of your car and you find yourself looking in the rear-view mirror to confirm they made it through alive because they really didn't give you a chance to stop...or even swerve...does the adrenaline kick in? If so, squirrels really have a corner in the adrenaline rush market.

According my research, excessive amounts of adrenaline can cause tinnitus. So now I am wondering, are there a bunch of squirrels out there with ringing in their ears?

But excessive amounts of adrenaline have also been linked to ADHD.

So I'm guessing the answer to my original wondering is that yes, they do have adrenaline. Case closed.

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